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Pour the sugar into a saucepan and cook over medium heat until it dissolves and turns golden. Then reduce the heat and gradually add the water, stirring constantly.

The sugar will form lumps, so you need to stir a lot until it dissolves. Once the sugar cubes have dissolved, turn off the heat and put the caramel in a bowl.

The caramel will be very thin, but will be very thick when it cools. When the caramel has cooled, caramelize the cake tin.

To make the cake, beat the egg whites until stiff and set aside. Place the condensed milk, egg yolks, milk and vanilla essence in a blender.

Beat for 2 minutes and pour into the bowl.

Add the egg whites and mix gently until combined.

Pour in the caramelized mixture. Bake in a bain-marie in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Roll out and refrigerate for 3 hours.


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